About Us

The Importance Of Printing Solutions?

Printing solutions not only assist you in steamlining your work processes and security, but they also come handy when it comes to marketing and advertising as they can also assist you in printing high - quality banners and adverts such as business card and flyer printing. This will ultimately help you in getting a better brand awareness and engagement.

A strategy is a strong component that is needed before installing a printing solution in any business and we will create a strategy for you that will best align with the needs of your business.

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Our priting process

We mainly provide two different types of printing solutions that are Managed Print Services (MPS) & Print Management Softwares


Our Managed Print Services

With our MPS we will help your business manage its cost associated to printing, fleet of the printers and more. We will do so by first deciding the size of your printer fleet as it should not have any more or less than the number of printers required for the absolute best productivity which will ultimately help you being the most cost efficient. We will also optimize your printing controls giving you authority to set the limit on how many color and one side print outs can be taken. Security Authentication - We will help you reduce the risk by providing print authenticaion and various other security features like device management. We will help you get a better sustainability - Wastage can be a big factor in why your organization is not able to be cost effective and we will help you minimize your wastage by our eco friendly printing solutions. Help you in maintaining work efficiency - Work efficiency is key to any organization's success and we will help you maintain that by streamlining your processes and make sure you have a strong governance over them. We provide managed print services on contract basis which means it will be like a monthy business operating cost for you instead of a big upfront investment.


Our Print Management

This is a software based management we provide where we help you with your printing governance and take care of all the requirements you will have for the same. Including giving authority for who can take the printouts or even more specific like what can someone print and that too in what format. Some of the features we offer with this software include : Better security measures, cost effectivemess and productivity boost. Assisting you business towards overall growth. Individual Specific Printing - This means different printing permissions for different individuals like allowing some to be limited to black and white printing while only giving authority for color printing to particular individuals. Reports - Our software will keep all the important data stored for you and will create multiple reports for you to keep track of all your data and important metrics that will assist in cost management and more.

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Contact Information

SM TOWER, 12, Ajmer Road, Teachers Colony, Baba Market, DCM,
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302021.

We're Available Mon - Sat. Call Now. 91 9799004766
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